Monday, June 6, 2016

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

I created this as a companion to my other blog at Motorsport Mayhem (address here: ).

While that blog will be about my everyday life and will be more or less PG rated, this blog will be where I go to blow off steam and talk about stuff that makes me angry, depress, and laugh.  Needless to say, I can't guarantee that everything will be family friendly, so discretion will be advised.

Just to start off, I'm already sick of the 2016 election.  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, they both want my vote, so who'll I vote for?  Hell, in all candor and honesty, I can't stand to look at either one of them!  They make me sick!  And I think that most of the politicians, wealthy donors, and the political system that let the squeak though into their positions, suck!  Needless to say, I won't be voting for either one come November.  To me, both are vile, amoral, soulless political scum, and it's my opinion that we'd be better off without either one in the White House.

What's another things that's troubling me?  Oh, the jackass who got 6 months in prison for rape.  And people wonder why society's fucked up?  I'd let him rot in the state pen for 20 years, minimum, for what he did.  And he'd probably get a dose of his own medicine.  Every choice has consequences, both good and bad.  IMHO, is the choice for drunken debauchery worth it?

And before you ask, I'm not one of those temperance assholes who thinks that alcohol is the root of all evil who almost a 100 years ago browbeat the US Government into enforcing the total failure that was prohibition.  But using that you were drunk as an excuse to try and cover your ass and get off easy is bullshit.  It's also a buncha fuckin' bullshit that the judge was lenient.  Six months, really?  Seriously, if I were that judge, I'd give them the maximum sentence allowed under California state law.  Hell, I'd find three felonies I could convict him of to send him down the river to San Quieten or Folsom for 25 to life.

And people wonder why prison doesn't reform, why crime and punishment is such crap, and why prison or even the death sentence isn't a deterrent.  District Attorneys and Judges need to stop babying criminals who commit violent felonies and make them pay for what they did.  And that people like the bastard's father need to stop trying to buy off people into copping out for a lighter sentence.  That's bullshit.

And finally, need I say that I don't give a damn about the whole bathroom debate?  Yes, I understand some of the fears that people have.  Problem is, being transgender isn't a good (or at least convenient) cover for child molesters, rapist, murderers and serial killers.  I do believe that most of the priests and Boy Scouts who molested children were straight males supposedly.  Gender doesn't prove a thing as far as I'm concerned.  And there's plenty of other opportunities for child rapist and child killers, as in the "proven tricks" for them to get what they want.  

That's my problem with gun control, drugs, violence, and all of society's other ills.  Some people are obviously amoral enough that they'd not gonna give a damn about breaking whatever laws it takes for them to get what they want.  And making more laws isn't necessarily the answer.  What we need is violent, crazy, amoral motherfucker control.  And when a person doesn't give a flyin' fuck about breaking laws to get what they wanna get, that's a sign of that person's moral and mental make up.  Either he's crazy, stupid, or, basically, doesn't give a shit.  Way too much of that overall in society, and has been for a very long time.

OK, now that I've vented about some stuff that's really pissed me off, I hope that I can make you guys laugh when I'm in a better mood now that I've gotten all the bile out of the way.

Have yourselves a good one :)

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